August 3, 2013

Apple iOS VS Android Technology

There are two big Mobile Operating system in the world. The 1st is Apple iOS And the 2nd is Android. The both operating system have their own features, Advantages And disadvantages but it is true that the both are worth to operate. The Android Mobile Operating system is an open source. Many Private Companies Mobile are using Android as operating system. Apple iOS is only useable in iPhone, iPad, And iPod Touch.
The both are world best Mobile Operating system.

Today, We are here to analyze which is the best and why it is the best. Believe me or nor. this is very interested article for all Apple iOS Or Android Fans. it is worth to read carefully. I will explain "Apple iOS VS Android" by the 1 picture. This is why, this article is going to very interested.

As you can see the above picture clearly. The picture is revealing everythings. People are downloading apps from Google Play. The downloading stat of Android Apps is high expect Apple Apps but the revenue stat of Apple Apps is high expect Android apps. let me explain you the game.

Why there is different: 
There is well known app called "what'sapp". it is the world best messenger for messaging and voice chatting. In the you Android, we can download whatsapp for FREE for 1 year but in the apple store we have to pay $0.99 to download what'sapp. This is why Android Download stat is high & Apple revenue stat is High. Apple is generating 5 times more revenue than Android. And Android is generating 5 times more download than Apple.

According to the above stat. Nothing is the best but both are great mobile operating system in the world. Please keep up to date for more tweaks.

August 2, 2013

The iPhone 5C - My Personal Debate

Today, I am here to discuss about iPhone 5c. Maybe you are thinking, what does iPhone 5c mean.? Reall,?? Are you thinking about it.? if yes then let me tell you about iPhone 5c. Many people have knowledge about it because they are up to date with Technology.

Many Technology News sites are claiming that Apple is going to be released Budget iPhone. The Name of that Budget iPhone is iPhone 5c. It is very surprising News for all us. is it? Believe me or not. When i listen about it. I got happy. This step is going to be very beneficial for Apple incorporated And for all of us as well. The iPhone at cheap rate, it's amazing.

I think you are thinking about the word "C". what does it mean.? Why Apple Incorporated Add the "C" in iPhone 5?? What is the real scene behind "C". It's very interesting idea by Apple incorporated. I am very excited about the word "C". Believe me, I really don't know about the meaning of the word "C". Some people are saying that the meaning of word "C" could be cheap. Some people are assuming that the meaning of word "C" is Colour. It is the thought of many Apple Fans but it's not confirm. According to my point of view, The meaning of word "C" could be cheap. As i told you earlier in the article, The apple is going to be release Budget Smartphone. This is why, i assumed the word "C" meaning could be CHEAP.

The month September is going to reveal many hidden answer of Apple. The Month September is also going to reveal the meaning of "C". Wait & let see, what going to happened.

Keep up to date with us.

July 20, 2013

iPhone 5 VS Galaxy S4 - The winner is

Today i decided to debate on iPhone 5 VS Galaxy S4. As we all know, The both iPhone 5 And Galaxy S4 are big brands in the world. Both the brands have own worth in the world market. The iPhone 5 have own features And Galaxy S4 have own features. Many people likes iPhone 5. Whereas, Many people likes Galaxy S4. This is due to unrevealed factors of iPhone 5 & Galaxy S4.

Both the iPhone 5 And Galaxy S4 generating millions revenue per month. Both the Phones are too expensive. Now You want to purchases one of them.? Let debate about it.

Price Deals:
As i already told you, The both iphone 5 And Samsung Galaxy S4 are expenses. There are thousands of price deal for both iPhone 5 & Galaxy S4. At the present, we can purchase iPhone 5 for $33 on contract base And we can purchase Samsung Galaxy for $32 on contract base.

You want to purchase iPhone 5  Or Samsung Galaxy Sim-FREE. here is the price deal.
Samsung Galaxy is too expensive if you want to purchase Sim-FRee And the iphone 5 is not expensive with sim-free deal. Here iPhone 5 is winner.

There are many other factors. I will discuss about them later. keep up to date with this blog. 

July 2, 2013

Immediately Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 - Here is Why

In the article, I am going to explain you deeply about how important is jailbreak ios 6.1.3. I am sure. 99% of you knows the importance of ios 6.1.3 jailbreak. Do you not have knowledge about jailbreak 6.1.3.?? Here i am going to increase your knowledge about it. It is not a rocket science. It is definitely lie, You Cannot use iPhone 5/4s/4/3gs, iPad 3/2/mini. iPod touch 5th/4th Generation without installing jailbreak in it. It is really not like it. Definitely We can use iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch without installing jailbreak. It is definitely possible. You know what ? in-fact 'APPLE' is trying his best to prevent from jailbreak. Yes, APPLE don't want JAILBREAK to be installed on iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. You may be surprising about it. Why APPLE doesn't want JAILBREAK to be installed on iPhone, iPad & iPod touch.?? Do you want the answer of this question..? Read the whole article. I will give the answer of the question at the bottom of the article. 

Immediately jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 - Here is WHY

The real taste of iPhone, iPad & iPod touch is in jailbreak. Do you want to test  the real taste of iPHone, iPad & iPod Touch?? Let get Start... I am sure. You are going to love it. As i already told you. it's not a rocket science. it's an art of using iphone, ipad & ipod as freedom.

There are thousands of reasons for jailbreak ios 6.1.3. It is very hard to explain all the reasons. Let me explain few of them.

Fancy Look:
Who is, Don't like beauty? Definitely Everyone likes beauty. infact we all likes beauty. isn't? it is. There are many apps to change iOS look. We can change the whole look of iPhone, iPad, & iPod with one click button. Yes, Only with one click button. There is a app for very this purpose. The name of that app is "WinterBoard". By using this app, We can easily change the whole look of iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch. The only bad thing with this app is that. We can not install this app on iPhone, iPad & iPod touch without jailbreak. If you have jailbreak installed on ios Devices then you can install winterboard app. Following the is screenshot of that app. 
jailbreak ios 6.1.3
Winterboard APP Screenshot

iDevices Setting(All in One)

Every electronic devices have functions. Every function has setting. For Example; Switching wi-fi on or off. switching bluetooth on or off. You can not manage all the setting in one place but you know what? the technology has been advanced. Now you can change all that setting in one place only. There is a app called "SBSetting". If you have jailbreak installed on iPhone, iPad, iPod then you can install "SB Setting" on iDevice. Jailbreak is important to use this app.

Using Flash:

You know what? You can not use flash on iPhone, iPad & iPod touch. There are millions of websites, using flash on websites. We can not browse that website properly. You can solve the problem with one click and this is only possible. if you have jailbreak installed on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch. 

There are many reasons for ios 6.1.3 jailbreak. I can not code all the reasons in this article. 

Why APPLE don't want jailbreak on iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch. Actually, APPLE want to get full control on sold iDevices. Go ahead, Click here And jailbreak ios 6.1.3 for FREE.

June 29, 2013

Reviews of Final iOS 6 Update - iOS 6.1.4

Through this specific article, we are going to review iOS 6.1.4.  The iOS 6.1.4 is the final update from apple. The Next update from apple will be iOS 7. The Apple is preparing to launch iOS 7 soon.  You know what ? iOS 7 has been launched. Calm Down guys, It's beta 2. The developers can download iOS 7 beta 2 from the Apple. You can download and install it on your iPhone, iPad And iPod touch. iOS 7 beta 2 is available to download without developers account. Google it.

It was little bit about iOS 7. Let talk little bit about iOS 6.1.4 Now. You know what ? The iOS 6.1.4 is available for iPhone 5 only. its mean, we can not install iOS 6.1.4 on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 & iPhone 4s. The owners of iPhone 5 should read this article. As the article is about iOS 6.1.4 And iOS 6.1.4 is for iPhone 5 owners.

Battery Timing improved:

iOS 6.1.4 brought great improvement in battery time. In all previous updates, Many people faced battery timing issue. As we all know, Apple always takes care of their customers. Apple Suddenly launched ios 6.1.4 And fixed the timing issue. All iOS 6.1.4 users are now happy to use iOS 6.1.4 on iPhone 5. Battery timing is big issue. This is why i am talking about it in the article.

Apple solved many issues in iOS 6.1.4 update. I am unable to code all the issue in the article. I will try my best to code some more about it. Thanks for reading....

June 21, 2013

We Really Needs jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 - Let Analyze together

The article is going to be interested for all of us. The article is going to be very important for new jailbreak user. You don't know about ios 6.1.3 jailbreak.? This is very important topic for you. Take your time to read this great article carefully. You believe, Nothing useless in the world.? I believe.

In my Previous article, I introduced a great software for ios 6.1.3 jailbreak. I proud to announce, I shared something useful to my users. Thousands of people are using the software to jailbreak ios 6.1.3. You are interested to jailbreak iOS 6.1.3.? Read the above Post carefully. You can easily jailbreak ios 6.1.3 with the  Equsi0n(The world Best & FREE iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak Solution). Click here to jailbreak iOS 6.1.3.

No doubt we needs ios 6.1.3 jailbreak on iphone 5/4s/4/3gs, ipad 3/2/mini/, ipod touch 5th/4th Generation There are plenty of reasons for jailbreak 6.1.3. Believe me or not. It's hard to write all jailbreak 6.1.3 reasons in one article only. Anyway, let come to the point.

Install Any Apps:
There are Millions/Billions of apps for iphone 5/4s/4/3gs, ipad 3/2/mini, ipod touch 5th/4th Generation. Do you know what ? There are thousands of apps but you can not install on iphone 5/4s/4/3gs, ipad 3/2/mini, ipod touch 5th/4th Generation. If you installed ios 6.1.3 jailbreak on your iphone 5/4s/4/3gs, ipad 3/2/mini, ipod touch 5th/4th Generation then you can install any apps on your IDevices.  it is the biggest advantage of ios 6.1.3 jailbreak.

In the next article i will come with new twist. Keep yourself up to date with me!!!!